From Flash Gordon (1981) by Queen

Flash's Theme (May) - 3:29

Flash a-ah
Savior of the Universe
He save everyone of us
He's a miracle
King of the impossible

He's for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He save with a mighty hand
Every man every woman
Every chill-he's a mighty

Just a man
With a man's courage
Nothing but a man
But he can never fail
No-one but the pure at heart
May find the Golden Grail

In the Space Capsule (The Love Theme) (Taylor) - 2:42


Ming's Theme (In Court of Ming the Merciless) (Mercury) - 2:40


The Ring (Hypnotic Seduction of Dale) (Mercury) - 0:57


Football Fight (Mercury) - 1:28


In the Death Cell (Love Theme Reprise) (Taylor) - 2:24


Execution of Flash (Deacon) - 1:05


The Kiss (Aura Resurrects Flash) (Mercury) - 1:44


Arboria (Planet of the Tree Men) (Deacon) - 1:41


Escape From the Swamp (Taylor) - 1:43


Flash to the Rescue (May) - 2:44


Vultan's Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men) (Mercury) - 1:12


Battle Theme (May) - 2:18


The Wedding March (May) - 0:56


Marriage of Dale and Ming (And Flash Approaching) (May/Taylor) - 2:04


Crash Dive on Mingo City (May) - 1:00


Flash's Theme Reprise (May) - 1:23


The Hero (May) - 3:31

So you feel like you ain't nobody
Always needed to be somebody
Put your feet on the ground
Put your hand on your heart,
Lift your head to the stars
And the World's for your taking
(all you have to do
Is save the world)

So you feel like it's the end of the story Find it all pretty satisfactory
Well I tell you my friend
This might seem like the end
But the continuation is
Yours for the making...

Flash's Theme (May) - 6:42
