From Back in the U.S. [Live] (2002) by Paul McCartney

Jet (McCartney/McCartney) - 4:02

Jet! Jet! Jet!
I Can Almost Remember Their Funny Faces
That Time You Told Me That
You Were Going To Be Marrying Soon.
And Jet, I Thought The Only
Lonely Place Was On The Moon.
Jet! Jet!

Jet! Was Your Father As Bold As A Sergeant Major?
How Come He Told You That
You Were Hardly Old Enough Yet?
And Jet, I Thought The Major
Was A Lady Suffragette.
Jet! Jet!

Ah, Matter Want Jet To Always Love Me?
Ah, Matter Want Jet To Always Love Me?
Ah, Matter, Much Later.

Jet! With The Wind In Your Hair Of A Thousand Laces.
Climb On The Back And We'll
Go For A Ride In The Sky.
And Jet, I Thought The Major
Was A Lady Suffragette.
Jet! Jet!