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10/10 fairlight fm (September 16, 2005)
Echoes the great master peice

one of these days the great stadium rock piece

the music says it all about the evolution of the floyd phenomia, still is the one of the best albums of all time
9/10 Floyd Fan (June 24, 2004)
The first 'Great' Pink Floyd album...all others before this were decent at best, reserved exclusively for the "psychadelic crowd". They were coming into their own at this point and would soon be hitching a ride on Super Stardom. 'Fearless' and 'One of these days' are musts for any Floyd collector. The past was riddled with glimmers of greatness to few to take seriously, the future would hold astronomical success beyond any expectations, 'Meddle' was the turning point between the two. They had finally found their place and would begin carving their niche on the release of this fantastic album. Some would disagree but in my opinion all Floyds work previous to this was simply 'goofing off' nothing more. 'Meddle' would begin to prove what Pink Floyd was truly capable of...

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by Pink Floyd