Let It Be

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7/10 Andrew Creamer (November 28, 2006)
Phil Spector\'s touch was not easily erased with the \"Let It Be - Naked\" release; many tracks on this posthumous Beatles album still sound better with his omniscent production stylings. Damn the topedoes - Spector worked his magic on this one yet again.
7/10 Bruce Beatlefan (July 20, 2005)
When one listens to "Two of Us", "For You Blue", or "One after 909" it's awfully hard to believe that this is a disintegrating group whose members were so embittered against one another..."Dig a Pony" is quite an enjoyable rocker..."Across the Universe" is John's greatest lyric since "Help", and a beautiful haunting melody...Paul's three number ones are magnificent. "I Me Mine" is a good rocker although in the midst of George's preachy phase..."I've got a Feeling" is great. Heck I even sing along enthusiastically with "Dig It" and "Maggie Mae". If any other group had done this album I would give it the five star treatment, but it was in fact a little thin for the Beatles.