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7/10 B.Wind (August 10, 2004)
If it weren't for the horrible lead vocal, it would be considered ELO's best LP. The entire Side One is fantastic, with the Eldorado Overture capably setting the table beautifully for the dreamlike "Can't Get It out of My Head" (their first gold single) and rocking "Boy Blue"

On Side Two, "Mister Kingdom" does a very good job of setting up the very bluesy "Nobody's Child" and "Illusions in G Major" -- too bad it all comes crashing down with the gut-wrenching rendition of the majestic "Eldorado" (it would have worked much better as an instrumental). The LP/CD returns full circle with the "Eldorado Finale" (actually a repeat of the Eldorado Overture) which would have worked quite nicely had "Eldorado" not killed it.