Out of the Blue

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10/10 Richard Chapman (July 7, 2004)
hello hello hello hello
sweet talkin woman, if you don´t mind me saying in not the best track? If you listened to the album, then you should agree, that it´s a masterpiece! I bought this album when I was 7 years of age!

best of luck to you

5 4 3 2 1 k
9/10 Elo Fan (June 13, 2004)
Simply great album! What an innovative band ELO was! This is classic music at some of its finest. What ever happened to such broad minded music? It may not be understood today and probably wouldnt be a big hit with the younger generation like the absolutely timeless rock albums are, however it brings back great memories of childhood for me and will always hold a place close to my heart.
10/10 tom fraser (May 25, 2004)
simply brilliant. favorite song all of the above but if i have to pick one then it would have to be standin, in the rain