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9/10 B.Wind (August 10, 2004)
This was ELO's creative high point -- and its dead end. This one is begging to be turned into a stage performance or a film someday.

There is only one dispensable song in its lineup (the instrumental "Another Heart Breaks" -- but this one would work in a motion picture setting), and the songwriting is top-notch. Aside from the Top 40 Hits "Twilight" and "Hold On Tight," other VERY worthwhile tunes here include "Ticket to the Moon," "Way Life's Meant to Be," "From the End of the World" and "Yours Truly 2095." The LP/CD is designed for the listener to hear it in a single setting (and despite remastering, the vinyl version has superior sound -- it draws you into it).

CD programmers should play this in order, skipping "Another Heart Breaks" and any extras (in the enhanced CD) for maximum enjoyment.

7/10 Carlos (July 7, 2004)
Way life's meant to be & Twilight are the best songs in this album.
8/10 brunet frederi (February 6, 2003)
Why 2 stars?
this album is excellent, Twilight, Yours Truly, 2095 and Here Is the News are so good . i don't understand your judgment.