Balance of Power

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4/10 B.Wind (August 10, 2004)
At this point, ELO is running on fumes. Jeff Lynne is tired of performing (yet he is involved with the Traveling Wilburys) and fellow co-founder is touring with Black Sabbath. It seems "Secret Messages" is ELO's swan song, and a weak one at that. Jet Records (owned by Sharon Osbourne) is no longer.

Then, "out of the blue" came "Balance of Power." Aside from the two singles ("Calling America" and "So Serious"), "Balance" comes across as a set from the aborted second LP/CD from the "Secret Messages" sessions. Not good at all.

At least, single-wise, they left with a bang with "Calling America."

And then there was no more from Jeff Lynne and Company for 15 years ("Zoom"). Bev Bevan moved forward with ELO Part II in 1991 and kept it going for 10 years, when he retired and Lynne reclaimed the ELO name (the former ELO II became Orchestra).