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10/10 john cocks (October 12, 2006)
Like most great albums they usualy made when the artist or group have threre backs to the wall ,more so with this album.All five members were going through personal torment and RUMOURS is the outcome a masterpiece this was FLEETWOOD MACS everest the album sold in its millions. STEVIE NICKS songs personal and perfection GOLD DUST WOMAN is about her drug addiction.CHRISTINE MCVIE are the result of her split with husband and bass player JOHN MCVIE.A soap opera on record There cant be fans who`s not got a copy of this album in there collection, for those who hav`nt your missing a gem.
10/10 Peter Barry (June 15, 2006)
Every song on this album is good. I especially love \"The Chain\" and \"Gold Dust Woman.\" It\'s a great mix of folk and rock, with simple but lush vocals. I\'ve owned it in every format, LP, Cassette, and CD. Its sales, according to the RIAA website, have reached over nineteen million in the US alone. I\'ve even known much older people who liked it. They\'ve reached out to more than the rock crowd with it. The production qualities are flawless. Too bad \"Don\'t Stop\" has become somewhat of a joke for its use in a Clinton inaguration ball.