Mr. Wonderful

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8/10 george fisher (February 16, 2005)
i have been listenin an collecting music now for about ten years mostly of which is on vinyl.Ever since i have heard the early stuff of mac i am hard pressed to say that there isnt a band during that time that could even come close to what they have achieved.when people talk to me about fleetwood mac they usually refer to the rumours band line up but myself personally dont care for there later,english rose &and there self titled album from 67 is the real gold nothin like having three lead guitarists to rock the joint definately a step ahead of the rest and that includes cream.
10/10 GREGG WARBURTON (February 13, 2003)
I thought this album was a complete disappointment, and its mainly down to one band member Jeremey Spencer, and his constant use of the Elmore James lick. Thankfully its wasn't the taste of things to come