Led Zeppelin II

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10/10 M??rcio Ivam. (December 14, 2010)
A great rock "n" roll album, classic of the classics, a rock giant.Mr.Page is one greatest guitar man."Whola lotta love" riff, is like waterfall fire.Poetry in "Thank You" lyric.Rock "n" roll masterpiece yesterday and forever.
10/10 Zeppelin Fan (June 25, 2004)
Perfection! in rock n roll. These guys were meant to make music together, it was their destiny. Words cannot describe how perfect Led Zeppelin really was. To explain how incredible this album is borders on the impossible, you must hear it for yourself. These guys were the Michael Jordans of rock n roll, the undisputed Kings they out sold the Beatles if that tells you anything. If you love rock n roll, you cant help but love Led Zeppelin. This album is excellent, perfect like most every album they produced. They defined 'hard' rock n roll added an element that can never be removed and hasnt been duplicated since. This is a fantastic album, however its only one in a long line of fantastic albums by Led Zeppelin.