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7/10 Lafe Purcell (February 17, 2011)
This is a fun album. If you've a singing voice - or maybe even if you haven't - this is a fun one to pop in and sing along to. Frankly if there's a weakness it's the typical Paul weakness that he can write 'em as well as anyone but he can't always discern which are the ones that the rest of the world would love getting to hear. There are a number of overlooked gems missing while a clunker or two manage to find there way onto the album.
9/10 Dave (June 25, 2005)
A fab much better than "All The Best".

My only frustration is that radio edits have been used rather than full versions, the main examples being "Junior's Farm", "Rock Show" and "With A Little Luck". Would have been nice to hear the full songs on this collection, which are a lot stronger than the edits.
10/10 Rebecca Johnson (April 14, 2005)
Paul is a genius, a Shakespheare of music.