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10/10 Matthew Sproul (February 17, 2010)
Easily the greatest album in popular music history. Filled with gorgeous melodies and astonishingly glorious pop hooks. But not only that, the songs make a deep emotional connection w/the listener. The record represents a staggering contrast with the vapid content of chart music today. I could easily listen to "More Than a Feeling" a thousand more times and never get tired of it. Only "Goodbye Yelow Brick Road" comes close among 70s rock LPs. *****. Cheers.
10/10 Dave (September 15, 2005)
If you haven't got an awesome sound system on which you can really crank up "Smokin'" - you just haven't lived.

Pure driving rock music. Best of the Best - pure and simple.
10/10 Kirk Rad (July 30, 2005)
A classic, TIMELESS, Lift my spirit evertime I hear it.

One of the best albums ever in history of Rock & Roll. Its been going for over 25 years, will never stop.

And "Peace of Mind" is best of best.
10/10 Boston Fan (June 23, 2004)
A perfect 10 as far as rock n roll albums are concerned. Timeless, amazing, innovative, incredible, yet overplayed. The radio stations literally ran this one into the ground throughout the 70s, 80s and early 90s that was the only unfortunate part of this 'fairy tale album come true'. It had so many big hits that the whole album was "shamelessly" exploited by FM radio. I love this album dearly and always will unfortunately I cant even bring myself to listen to it anymore... they(FM radio) 'nearly' taught me to despise it.
9/10 Dmitry Murashev (January 27, 2003)
The first and the best Boston's album is one of the best-selling album of XXth century. Most songs were stable FM hits and nowadays you can hear them on radio. Guitar hooks in every song where they are are amazing! Organ, electric and acoustic guitars are fondling your ears! Everyone who like art-rock must have "Boston" in his collection.

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