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10/10 M??rcio Ivam. (December 14, 2010)
One great band.Ken Hensley songs are so good.Byron, rock "n" roll style.Gary Thain, one of the best bass guitar.Mick Box, a good guitar.Lee Kerslake a thunder in drums.Great album, "Wonderworld" brings a beautiful melody and lyric,"Suicidal Man","I Won`t Mind" too.One of favourite albums, 70`s years.Long Live to Byron and Uriah Heep!!
9/10 e.wood{Los angeles,ca.u.s.a.} (May 7, 2004)
"WONDERWORLD" by the mighty URIAH HEEP was an album that dominated y turntable for years{!!!} I bought it when it was first released and saw the DON KIRSHNER'S ROCK CONCERT appearence that was astounding."I WON'T MIND" has such beautiful/brutal STRATOCASTER work by MICK BOX{wicked tremelo bar work incorporated in the solo!!}This band was just ominous.I had been blown away by all of the musicians in this particular line-up for quite sometime.DAVID BYRON was probably my absolute favorite vocalist of all time and what can you say about the rythmn section of GARY THAIN and LEE KERSLAKE?? I miss GARY immensley and "WONDERWORLD" really proves his musicianship level and imaginative approach."WONDERWORLD" is truly wonderous.Long live URIAH!!!

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by Uriah Heep