Queen II

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10/10 Chris (November 5, 2022)
Sing after song after song are simply masterpieces.
10/10 Freddie (December 2, 2004)
Queen's second album was a climb up the ladder with thier first charting single Seven Seas Of Rhye. Concidred by many as a experimental album but the songs are so brilliantly done it's ends up being more than just an expeirmental album. Song Ratings:
Procession: 6/10
Father To Son: 10/10
White Queen ( As It Began ) 6/10
Somwhere Someday: 5/10
Loser In The End: 10/10
Ogre Battle: 10/10
Fairy Fellers Master Stroke: 10/10
Nevermore: 8/10
March Of The Black Queen: 10/10
Funny How Love Is: 9/10
Seven Seas of Rhye: 10/10

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