A Day at the Races

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10/10 Appie (September 14, 2009)
Just played the Japanese Lp Sleeve Cd on my high end stereo, it has always been my favourite and always will be..
10/10 Freddie (December 2, 2004)
As the follow up to the colossal hit album A Night At The Opera, 1976's A Day At The Races kept the great momentum of greatness going with hits like Sombody To Love and the bands heaviest single Tie Your Mother Down.Song Ratings:
Tie Your Mother Down: 10/10
You Take My Breath Away: 4/10
Long Away: 10/10
Millionare's Watlz: 7/10
You And I: 8/10
Sombody To Love: 10/10
White Man: 10/10
Good Old Fasioned Lover Boy: 7/10
Drowse: 10/10
Teo Torriate (Let Us Cling Together) 10/10

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