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9/10 Tracey (October 9, 2008)
Those who criticize elements of this seem to overlook that fact that it is the music from a show. Those lucky enough to have seen this show will tell you that it was far from being a flop - we certainly weren't the only ones who went to see it twice during our one day visit to the Dome. One reviewer here describes the opening track as being "musically poor" - yet that track had us sitting on the edge of our seats with anticipation as it built a wonderfully mysterious atmosphere, just as it was meant too. The show was awe-inspiring in many ways, and the music was a huge part of this, giving the piece enough emotional power that we found ourselves crying in parts and completely exhilarated in others. Some people have criticized it for not having PG singing on all the tracks, but there needed to be other voices - it wasn't a one man show! I think it's wonderful, and definitely stands up to any 'muso' quibbling. I'm writing this listening to "Father Son", and even now I've got goose bumps.