Electric Ladyland

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10/10 Kip (May 12, 2019)
Mitch Mitchell was excluded from the players list. A very important element in Jimi's musical world, for sure.
10/10 Dale (January 15, 2005)
Arguably the best studio album the Experience produced in their brief career together Electric Ladyland is bursting with classics including "Crosstown Traffic", "All Along the Watchtower" and the unforgettable "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)". This album really shows Jimi's ability as a guitarist - his total mastery of the sounds possible, his timing, and improvisational abilities. It would of been nice to find out how many more barriers Hendrix would of broke on his next album had he not passed away.
9/10 jeff (September 3, 2004)
with songs like all along the watch tower,cross town traffic and both voodoo childs i think this is the best albumb as far as guitar is concerned for hendrix