The Velvet Underground & Nico

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10/10 KM (October 11, 2004)
Another great album from 1967. This is from one of my 3 favorite bands of all time, and is their best album. The songs take on subjects totally unknown in 1967, but very well known today. The bad effects of drugs, people who are living on the edge, the desperation of life, all these subjects unheard of at that time are considered on this album.

The greatest songs are "Heroin", "Waiting For The Man", and "Black Angel's Death Song". "Heroin", especially buids to three peaks of intensity, driven by Mo Tucker's drums. Truly a masterpiece, and unconditionally recommended.
8/10 militant (June 24, 2004)
an album of true poetry dedictated to a generation who thought it cool to use hard drugs recreationally, when indeed it was cool if ever, to do so. (before everyone started to do so?)
the seminal track of all time is here: heroin
and THE femme fatal NICO