Beatles 1

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8/10 Bruce Beatlefan (July 19, 2005)
Of course wonderful listening but a pointless album for Beatles fans
who already have all this material. As the "Red" and "Blue" albums
contain classic album material as well, those remain better representations of the Beatles' music (as anyone can tell you,
"Sgt Peppers LHCB" and the White Album had no singles, let alone
number ones). Also, the technical definition of a number one can be
pretty dicey..."Please Please Me", not included, was number one in
four of the five contemporary British surveys--except the one that
counted! Also, technically, George's "For You Blue" was a number one
song as it was part of the double-sided number one "Long and Winding
Road". What a diss!
7/10 Carlos (April 9, 2005)
The albun is a great.But has anybody asked to themselves where of the hell are the songs of Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band? Money money money...