Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins

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1/10 Bobber (April 12, 2012)
How did this ever reach the vinyl in the first place?
1/10 Lennon4evr (August 4, 2011)
I bought this record , Well let's say my brother bought this record for me cause my Mom thought it was gross !! I was 15 and got it in a brown paper sleeve. I still have it unopened cause my friends let me hear theirs. At the time I thought it was kinda No.9ish but John was a little weird like that, free thinking and do what you want to. In those days you could but everyone thought it was weird . I think the cover is more popular than the recording . I think it's great for what it was. alot of LOVE noise from the Man ! PS Nice Tits Yoko !!
4/10 M??rcio Ivam. (December 16, 2010)
Sorry John.The love is blind,deaf and had two big breasts on down.