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10/10 M??rcio Ivam. (December 14, 2010)
A album full of the great songs."100 Years Ago","Silver Train","Angie","Winter" and more...The Stones with Mick Taylor guitar,really fucked the 70`s years!What great album.After comes the Ron Wood and...........
2/10 tony chicarello (April 22, 2008)
I love the Rolling Stones. In fact the first rock concert I went to was at Legion Field in Birmingham Al. It was one of those festival type shows, with the Beach Boys headlining and the Stones playing just before them. Also on the bill was Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs,
Tony Joe White and forgotten others. At this time, "The Last Time" was the current Stones hit, in the pre "Satisfaction" era. I was eight years old, and spent my birthday money to buy my mother and I
tickets. The point of all this is that I have loved the Stones my love life. But let's face it, apart from "Angie" this album just doesn't cut it. Worst of the Stones.