Thirty Three & 1/3

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10/10 M??rcio Ivam. (November 17, 2010)
Classic`s George Album! Pretty songs.A lecture to makin`good music.Beautiful Album.George great moment."Learning how to love you" is a song to hear with wine, rain in the roof and the lovely woman.
8/10 Erika (June 8, 2007)
A very good George Harrison album. The songs that really stand out are \"Beautiful Girl,\" \"This Song,\" and \"Crackerbox Palace.\"
7/10 Pablo Castro (October 5, 2006)
I think it?s one of his best albums, even though it?s not so amitious. The band is superb, and, quietly, there?s some of his most accomplished songs. I specially like ?? Learning How To Love You ``, harmonically more complex and subtle than anything Lennon or McCartney ever wrote, but with quality of melody equal to his former partners. And I agree that it?s his most versatile album, with all the elements that form his musical and songwriting personality.
7/10 Bruce Beatlefan (April 15, 2006)
It was pretty well understood by this time that George Harrison was no longer to attain the heights of All Things Must Pass and Living in the Material World, but this album is a decided upswing from the previous two, and folks who began to dismiss George Harrison at this point in his career (as it became fashionable to do) were making a mistake. This is a very workmanlike and solid album, the first really to offer the entire range of Harrison\'s songwriting strengths: his sarcasm (\"This Song\"), his devotion (\"Dear One\"), his sense of humor (\"Crackerbox Palace\"), his ability to rock (\"It\'s What You Value\"), his love of folk/country (\"Woman Don\'t You Cry For Me\"), his newfound lady love (\"Beautiful Girl\"), and his appreciation for his musical mentors (\"Pure Smokey\"). While none of these songs were splashy megahits, all were solidly written and performed, and continue to give me much pleasure thirty years after being issued.
6/10 BeatleBeatle (April 2, 2005)
It starts off well with "Dear One" "This Song" "Beautiful Girl", but then slips into merely pleasant filler music. "Crackerbox Palace" is one of his best though.