Cloud Nine

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10/10 Рубен Саакян (February 6, 2016)
По моему, альбом не хуже All Things Must Pass.
7/10 M??rcio Ivam. (November 17, 2010)
"Devil`s Radio" is the portrait today`s.Some trash is a artist.Some shit is called of music.Gossip column`s, full of people with no talent.Guilty of some people that likes the shit.
10/10 Erika (June 8, 2007)
The more I listen to this album the more I like it. George is clever and cheeky with songs like \"When We Was Fab\" and \"Wreck of the Hesperus.\" \"Got My Mind Set On You\" is a happy, catchy, fun song and one of my favorite solo George songs. In fact I like all the songs on this album.
9/10 Bruce Beatlefan (March 30, 2006)
Take a look at that album cover and you figure you\'re in for a treat, as George Harrison looks refreshed, energized, and ready to rock after a five year break from recording. And, boy, does he: Cloud Nine not only is George\'s finest music since All Things Must Pass, but launches practically a second career for George when he follows this up with the fabulous Traveling Wilbury albums and his first series of concerts (in Japan) since 1974.

The cast of characters include some old friends (Clapton, Starr, Elton John), but primarily responsible for the success of this album is a new friend (and soon-to-be Wilbury) Jeff Lynne, who helps to give the songs a sparkle (a couple of them, \"That\'s What it Takes\" and \"Fish in the Sand\" even sound a little ELO-ish). Along with some strong new material (\"Just For Today\", \"Devil\'s Radio\", \"When We Was Fab\"), the album includes two superb tracks from a floperoo Madonna movie, \"Someplace Else\" and the Chinese-sounding \"Breath Away From Heaven\" (The reissue CD contains two bonus tracks also from this movie, which includes one the George Harrison\'s best-ever songs, \"Shanghai Surprise\", which he sings with Vicki Brown). Topping off this excellent run is the cover of \"I\'ve Got My Mind Set on You\" which rivals any of the Beatles greatest early 1960\'s covers.

This album is a thrill, it was such a pleasure to see the smiling George Harrison at the top of his craft.