Love and Theft

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10/10 Jim Hughes (March 13, 2006)
Granted, I am a big Dylan fan. I have never seen him in concert though, but I have almost every CD, tape, or record along the way. My wife picked up \"Love and Theft\" on September 10th and gave it to me that night. I threw it in my car but didn\'t open it. I went to work. I started my job. The planes his us all. That afternoon, I sent everyone home and turned the lights out. In the car was love and theft. Waiting. I opened it, not knowing what to expect. I stopped my car on the side of US 78 in New Jersey and listened to the entire CD. Dylan said, \"Today has been a sad and lonely day\". I couldn\'t believe it. But it happened that day. To know that L&T was released that day, makes it hard to listen to. But I do. It is beautiful. He is a gift to us all.

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by Bob Dylan