M?ya Love

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Average song rating "Maya Love" is played in the same key as the predecessor "Bye Bye Love" and has roughly the same cadences, so when this song begins it almost sounds like a continuation of "Bye Bye Love". It is a tad better, being enhanced by some pretty perky electric piano. I have to scratch my head over George Harrison's singing of Maya Love just two albums after warning us to 'beware of Maya' (from ATMP's "Beware of Darkness"). Bruce Beatlefan February 24, 2007


M?ya Love - M?ya Love,
M?ya Love is like the sea
Flowing in and out of me
M?ya Love - M?ya Love,
M?ya Love is like the day
First it comes, then it rolls away
M?ya Love - M?ya Love,
M?ya Love is like the wind
Blowing hard on everything
M?ya Love - M?ya Love,
M?ya Love is like the rain
Beating on your window brain
M?ya Love - M?ya Love,
M?ya Love is like the stream
Flowing through this cosmic dream


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