
Song ratings

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Average song rating Kind of a downer ending to an otherwise cheerful album. I learned from reading others' reviews that this song was written to be included on the Beatle's White Album; it was bumped and honestly should have remained that way. Bruce Beatlefan February 26, 2007


Friends come and friends go
As I go round and round in circles

Love someone change your mind
Decide he was a swine
As you go round and round in circles

He who knows does not speak
He who speaks does not know
And I go round in circles

Dislike someone and will not bend
Later they may become your best friend
As life it goes around in circles

He who knows does not speak
He who speaks does not know
And I go round in circles

Soul takes on a body with each birth we make our date
With life and death along the road the soul reincarnates
The show goes round and round in circles

When loss and gain and up and down
Becomes the same, then we stop going in circles
Round and round in circles


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from the album

Gone Troppo
Gone Troppo