Let's Go Trippin'

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Average song rating The Beatles received much attention for their increased daring in drug- and sex-related lyrics in their music ("Turn me on" from She's a Woman, "tit-tit-tit" from Girl, "I'd Love to Turn You On" from A Day in the Life). What's funny is that in complete innocence (or is it??) The Beach Boys said all the same stuff in recordings that were years earlier! In their first two albums alone you have "Really turns me on" from Shift, "Help you plow the fields" from Farmer's Daughter, and this song's invitation from the Boys: "Let's Go Trippin"!

"Let's Go Trippin'" was a Dickie Dale surfing instrumental (historians claim it to be the first such song) which scored his highest chart position in 1958. The Beach Boys give it a decent treatment, and it becomes on of their concert staples, but by now the listener is wondering just how many permutations of the basic surfing guitar sound are possible. This is a letdown considering that the Beach Boys' strongest asset is, after all, its harmony vocals.
Bruce Beatlefan April 1, 2008




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Surfin' USA
Surfin' USA