Visions of Paradise

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Average song rating Ray Thomas, who was never better than he was in this album, came up with these impressionistic, meditative lyrics and asked Justin to provide a melody. The result of the collaboration was this four minute slice of heaven. The Moodies had their hits that everyone knows, and then these songs which their diehard fans hold closest to their bosoms; "Visions of Paradise" is magnificent. The Thomas/Hayward team was to grace the following two albums with equally fine songs, then sadly only one or two in the subsequent years. Bruce Beatlefan October 22, 2011


The sounds in my mind just come to me
Come see, come see
And the call of her eyes makes waterfalls
Of me, of me

In the garden of her love I'll stay awhile
To be, to be
What the seeds of her thoughts once mean to me
Come see, come see

Visions of paradise, cloudless skies I see
Rainbows on the hill, blue onyx on the sea
Come see, ah, ah, ah

And the sounds in my mind just come to me
Come see, come see
And the call of her eyes, makes waterfalls
Of me, of me


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In Search of the Lost Chord
In Search of the Lost Chord