Fear Is the Key

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We live our lives in fever
In choking sweat of fear
In the heart of the night you can feel so much
In the heat of the night I scream "Don't touch"

I remember a time when we used and abused
And we fought all our battles in vain
I remember a time we thought that passion was free
In the heart of the night... bodies aflame

We live in fever...

I hear your secret heartbeat
I can hear your silent cries
The kids have lost their freedom
And nobody cares till somebody famous dies...

I remember a time when we used and abused
And we fought all our battles in vain
I remember a time we thought that passion was free
In the heart of the night... bodies aflame

Now we live, in a world of uncertainty
Fear is the key - to what you want to be
You don't get a say the majority gets it's way
You're outnumbered by the bastards till the day you die...


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Fear of the Dark
Fear of the Dark