Girl's Eyes

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Average song rating Easily the best song written by drummer Keith Moon (only a drummer could write the hilarious line 'don't throw sticks at her'.), "Girl's Eyes" is a humorous and warmhearted look at the non-existent but precious relationship between the rock star and the young teenage girl. The Who were responsible for perhaps two of the best "groupie" songs ever written, "Girl's Eyes" and "Sally Simpson". Bruce Beatlefan February 20, 2008


Girl's eyes, butterflies, how she cries, can't get through to you,
She knows all the charts, breaks her heart, thinks a lot of you,
Each time you play a melody, it means the earth to this little girl,
Can you be cruel and break her heart, tear her small world apart.

She's there, eyes aglow, very front row, don't throw sticks at her,
Please don't look her way, see her way, don't care anyway.

It's you who led her on, I see,
Just leave her down in her misery,
She don't want help from you and me,
Can't tell a note from a symphony.

It's you who led her on, I see,
Just leave her down in her misery,
She don't want help from you and me,
Can't tell a note from a symphony.

Girl's eyes, butterflies, how she cries, can't get through to you,
She knows all the charts, breaks her heart, thinks a lot of you,
Each time you play a melody, it means the earth to this little girl,
Can you be cruel and break her heart, tear her small world apart.


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The Who Sell out
The Who Sell out