If I Needed Someone

Song ratings

Rating Comments Author Date
Average song rating This song is actually better-placed in "Yesterday and Today" than it is in the British "Rubber Soul". Bruce Beatlefan November 26, 2005
Average song rating Dmitry September 13, 2004


If I needed someone to love
You're the one that I'd be thinking of
If I needed someone

If I had some more time to spend
That I guess I'd be with you my friend
If I needed someone
Had you come some other day
Then it might not have been like this
But you see now I'm too much in love

Carve your number on my wall
And maybe you will get a call from me
If I needed someone
Ah, ah, ah, ah

If I had some more time to spend
That I guess I'd be with you my friend
If I needed someone
Had you come some other day
Then it might not have been like this
But you see now I'm too much in love

Carve your number on my wall
And maybe you will get a call from me
If I needed someone
Ah, ah


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