There's a Place in the World for a Gambler

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There's a place in the world for a gambler
There's a burden that only he can bear
There's a place in the world for a gambler
And he sees...oh, yes he sees...
And he sees...oh, yes he sees...

There's a song in the heart of a woman
That only the truest of loves can release
There's a song in the heart of a woman
Set it free...oh, set it free
Set it free...oh, set it free
Set it free...oh, set it free

There's a light in the depths of your darkness
There's a calm at the eye of every storm
There's a light in the depths of your darkness
Let it shine...oh, let it shine
Let it shine...oh, let it shine
Let it shine...oh, let it shine
Let it shine


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from the album

FM (Original Soundtrack)
FM (Original Soundtrack)