The Dark Side of the Moon

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10/10 M??rcio Ivam. (December 14, 2010)
10/10 G. J. (July 9, 2006)
With any album like this one (St. Pepper, etc.) I often wonder what the recording engineers and studio personnel must have been thinking as they heard these songs being built track by track? During the latter stages of these recordings being played back over the studio monitors, I can only imagine the excitement,..the appreciation expressed by all who were present to witness something so unique.

10/10 sneeky (April 23, 2006)
Maybe overshadows every other release in 1973,a year of perhaps the most incredible rock offerings ever. If only we could go back....
10/10 Floyd Fan (June 13, 2004)
What can be said that hasnt already been said?! What praise can be offered up that hasnt already been offered up?!...SIMPLY BRILLIANT! A classic spun of pure platinum and flown to earth from the very depths of eutopia on angels wings... WARNING: DO NOT DIE HAVING NEVER LISTENED TO THIS ALBUM!... Im almost certain its a prerequisite in getting into heaven.

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