Led Zeppelin IV

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10/10 M??rcio Ivam. (December 16, 2010)
A Classic of Rock "n" Roll! Sandy Deny was a great singer.What say about this album?It`s better to listen.
10/10 Zeppelin Fan (June 25, 2004)
Wow!....what ever happened to music like this? This album is absolutely fantastic. Rock solid from beginning to end. Perfection in every sense of the word. They dont make 'em like this anymore. Heaven: would be having the ability to hear this album for the 'first' time, everytime you played it. It brings shivers down the spine. Dont think any Led Zeppelin fan will ever forget the first time they were turned onto Led Zeppelin 'IV' its similar to having sex for the first time OR to the first time you ever tasted ice cream... its that good.