Houses of the Holy

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10/10 M??rcio Ivam. (December 14, 2010)
"The song remains the same".Pretty title for a song."No Quarter" is a strange song with a mistery lyric.A fantastic album!
10/10 Zeppelin Fan (June 13, 2004)
Rock n Roll at its absolute finest. Led Zeppelin literally defined a portion of the rock genre with this and many other albums. Looking back, its hard to believe that some divine presence didnt have a hand in many of the rock albums coming from the time period, Houses of the Holy being one of those that was truly kissed by the Gods. 'Sheer brilliance' is an understatement, 'timeless' does not do it justice. 'Blessed' comes closer however words just cant describe it. Have a listen, your ears and especially your mind will praise you for it!