We're All Water

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Rating Comments Author Date
Average song rating A Yoko-composition. Starts like a rock-jam. Yoko on lead vocals. The singing in the verses is just alright, but the choruses are simply awful. False notes, bad timing. Then there’s the hysterical thing again at 1.41. Knowing that the song is over 7 minutes long, I decided to skip to the next song. Bobber September 11, 2013
Average song rating There is something attractive about the utter abandon and lack of polish in Yoko Ono's singing, and in this song she has finally harnessed the disruptive and senseless shrieks and wails and turned them into weapons that enhance the song. In short, Yoko kills in "We're All Water". As far as the subject matter goes, well, there is superficial truth in the lyrics, but it is good to compare this song's lyrics with those of George Harrison's "Run of the Mill". Bruce Beatlefan April 15, 2006


There may be not much difference
Between Chairmon Mao and Richard Nixon
If we strip them naked.

There may be not much difference
Between Marylin Monroe and Lenny Bruce
If we check their coffins.

There may be not much difference
Between White House and and Hall of People
If we count their windows.

There may be not much difference
Between Raquel Welch and Jerry Rubin
If we hear their heartbeat.

We are all water from different rivers
That's why it's so easy to to meet
We are all water in this vast, vast ocean
Someday we'll evaporate together.

There may be not much difference
Between Eldridge Cleaver and Queen of England
If we bottle their tears

There may be not much difference
Between Charles Manson and the Pope
If we press their smile

There may be not much difference
Between Rockefeller and you
If we hear you sing.

There may be not much difference
Between Rockefeller and you
If we show our dreams


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Some Time in New York City
Some Time in New York City