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Die Walküre” by Richard Wagner libretto (English)

Contents: Characters; Act One; Act Two; Act Three; Glossary
Act Three

Scene One

(The curtain rises. On the summit of a rocky
mountain. On the right a pinewood encloses the
stage. On the left is the entrance to a cave; above this
the rock rises to its highest point. At the back the view
is entirely open; rocks of various heights form a
parapet to the precipice.)

(Occasionally clouds fly past the mountain peak,
as if driven by storm. Gerhilde, Ortlinde, Waltraute
and Schwert leite have ensconced themselves on the
rocky peak above the cave: they are in full armor.)

(on the highest point, calling toward the
background, where a thick cloud passes)

Hojotoho! Hojotoho! Heiaha! Heiaha!
Helmwige! Here! Guide hither thy horse!

(at the back, offstage)
Hojotoho! Hojotoho! Hojotoho! Hojotoho!
(A flash of lightning breaks through a passing
cloud: in the light a Valkyrie on horseback becomes
visible: on her saddle hangs a slain warrior. The
apparition, approach ing the rocky cliff, passes from
left to right.)

Gerhilde, Waltraute, Schwertleite
(all three
calling to her as she approaches)

Heiaha! Heiaha!
(The cloud with the apparition disappears to the
right behind the wood.)

(calling toward the wood)
By Ortlinde's filly fasten thy horse:
gladly my grey will graze near thy chestnut!

(calling toward the wood)
Who hangs at thy saddle?

(coming from the wood)
Sintolt, the Hegeling!

Far from the grey, then, fasten thy
Ortlinde's filly bears Witting, the Irming!

(coming down lower)
For foes have been ever Sintolt and Wittig!

(starts up) Heiaha! Heiaha!
The horse attacketh my mare!
(She runs to the wood.)

Helm., Ger., Schw.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The heroes' strife makes foes of the

(call back into the wood)
Quiet, Brownie! break not the peace, now.

(on the topmost point, where she has
taken Gerhilde's post as watcher)

Hoioho! Hoioho!
(calling toward the right-hand side of the
Siegrune here! Where sta/ st thou so long?
(She listens toward the right.)

(offstage, from the back on the right)
Work to do!
Are the others all here?

(calling toward the right-hand side of
the background)


(the same)

(the same)

Waltraute, Schwertleite
(Their gestures, as well as a bright light behind the
wood, show that Siegrune has just arrived there.)

(from the back on the left, offstage)

(from the same place, offstage)

Grimgerde, Rossweisse

(toward the left)
Grimgerd' and Rossweisse!

(the same)
Together they ride.
(In a bank of clouds, passing from the left, Ross-
weisse and Grimgerde appear, illumined by a flash of
lightning. Both are on horseback, and each carries a
slain warrior on her saddle. Helmwige, Ortlinde and
Siegrune have come out of the wood and wave to the
approaching Rossweisse and Grimgerde from the
edge of the precipice.)

Helm., Ort., Siegr.
We greet you travelers!
Rossweiss' and Grimgerde!

Rossweisse, Grimgerde
Hojotoho! Hojotoho! Heiaha!
(The apparition disappears behind the wood.)

The other six Valkyries
Hojotoho! Hojotoho!
Heiaha! Heiaha!
Hojotoho! Hojotoho! Heiaha! Heiaha!
Hojotoho! Heiaha! Hojotoho! Heiaha!
Hojotoho! Heiaha! Hojotoho! Heiaha!
Heiaha! Heiaha!

(calling into the wood)
Leave there in the forest your steeds to graze!

(likewise calling into the wood)
Lead off the mares afar from each other,
till all our heroes' anger is calmed!

Waltraute, Schwertleite
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Gerhilde, Siegrune
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The grey has paid for the heroes' anger!

Wal., Schw., Helm., Ger.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ortlinde, Siegrune
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Rossweisse, Grimgerde
(coming out of the wood)
Hojotoho! Hojotoho!

The other six Valkyries
Be welcome!
Be welcome!

The eight Valkyries
Be welcome!

Rode ye valiant ones paired?

Apart journeyed we,
and met but today.

Are we all then assembled?
then stay no longer:
to Walhall wend we our way;
Wotan awaiteth the slain.

Are we but eight? wanting is one.

By the brown-eyed Wälsung
lingers yet Brünnhild'.

Till she comes hither still must we stay:
greeting full grim would Warfather give,
if without her we should come.

(on the lookout) Hojotoho! Hojotoho!
(calling toward the back) Hallo! Hallo!
(to the others)
In furious haste there Brünnhilde flies.
(All hasten to the lookout.)

The eight Valkyries
Hojotoho! Hojotoho! Heiaha!
Brünnhilde, hei!
(They watch with growing astonishment.)

To the wood guides she her staggering horse.

From fierce riding
how Grane pants!

So fast none e'er saw Valkyrie flying!

What lies on her saddle?

That is no man!

See, a maid bears she.

Where found she the maid?

With ne'er a sign greets she the sisters!

(calling down, very loudly)
Heiaha! Brünnhilde! hearest thou not?

Hasten ye from her horse to help her!

Helmwige, Gerhilde
(both running toward the wood)
Hojotoho! Hojotoho!

Siegrune, Rossweisse
(running after them)
Hojotoho! Hojotoho!

The other four Valkyries
Heiaha! Heiaha!

(looking into the wood)
To earth sinks down Grane the strong one!

From the saddle swiftly swings she the maid!
(All run toward the wood.)

Ort., Wal., Grim., Schw.
Sister! sister!
What has befall'n?
(All the Valkyries come back to the stage: with
them comes Brünnhilde, supporting and leading

(out of breath)
Shield me and help in direst need!

Grim., Siegr., Ger., Helm.
Whence rodest thou
hither? why in such haste?

Ortl., Wal., Ross., Schw.
So ride those only who

Art thou pursued?

I flee for the first time,
and am pursued:
Warfather follows close!
(All the Valkyries violently alarmed.)

Helm., Ger., Siegr., Grim.
Lost are thy senses?
Speak to us! What? Fleest thou from him?

Ort., Wal., Roß., Schw.
Ha! Speak!
Pursues thee Warfather? O say!

(turns anxiously to look out and then
comes back)

O sisters, look from the rocky summit!
Look to northward if Warfather nears?
(Ortlinde and Waltraute spring up to watch from
the rocky peak.)

Speak! Tell what ye see!

A thunderstorm nears from northward.

Gathering clouds range themselves

The other six Valkyries
Warfather rideth his
sacred steed!
The wild pursuer
who hunts me in wrath,
he nears, he nears from northward!
Shield me, sisters! Shelter this wife!

Six Valkyries
What aileth the woman?

Hear me then quickly: Sieglinde is she,
Siegmund's sister and bride:
'gainst all the Wälsungs doth Wotan angrily rage;
to strike the brother dead in the fight was
Brünnhilde's task;
but Siegmund held I safe with my shield:
Wotan in wrath
then struck him himself with his spear:
Siegmund fell; but I fled forth with the wife;
and to save her flew I to you
that in danger (in fear) ye might hide me from
the threatening blow!

Six Valkyries
(in great consternation)
What madness urged thee this deed to do?
Lost one! Brünnhilde, lost one!

Helm., Siegr., Grim.
Brok'st thou, rebellious
Brünnhilde, Warfather's holy behest?

Ger., Ross., Schw.
Brok'st thou Warfather's holy behest?

(on the lookout)
Darkness comes from the north like the night.

(on the lookout)
Raging steereth hither the storm.

Ross., Grim., Schw.
Loud neigheth Warfather's steed!

Helm., Ger., Schw.
Panting hither it flies.

Woe to the wife if the god find her here:
for all of the Wälsungs dooms he to downfall!
O say, who will lend the trustiest horse,
to save the wife from his wrath?

Wouldst lead us his rage to defy?

Rossweisse, sister,
lend me but thy courser!

From Warfather ne'er yet fled he in fear.

Helwige, hear me!

I brave not our father.

Grimgerde! Gerhilde!
Grant me a horse!
Schwertleite! Siegrune! See my dismay!
True be to me, as I have been true:
save now this sorrowing wife!
(Sieglinde, who has hitherto stared gloomily and
coldly before her, starts up with a repellent gesture as
Brünnhilde embraces her warmly, as if to protect her.)

Let sorrow not vex thee for me:
only death is my due.
Who bade thee bear me, maid, from the battle?
Perchance my death-stroke I there had won
from the very weapon that dealt his death;
in life's last moment made one with him!
Far from Siegmund. Siegmund, from thee!
O shelter me, death, from remembrance!
Lest for thy help my curse should requite thee,
now hearken, maid, to my prayer:
thrust thou thy sword into my heart!

Live still, o woman,
for love doth call thee!
Rescue the pledge that from him thou hast won:
(forcibly and urgently)
a Wälsung's life thou dost bear!
(Sieglinde starts violently: suddenly her face glows
with sublime joy.)

Rescue me, brave one! Rescue my child!
Guard me, ye maidens,
with mighty defence!
(An ever-darkening thunderstorm approaches from the back.)

(on the lookout)
The storm cometh near!

(on the lookout)
Fly, all who fear it!

The other six Valkyries
Hence with the woman!
danger is here:
the Valkyries' shelter dare we not give!

(on her knees before Brünnhilde)
Rescue me, maid! rescue the mother!

(raises Sieglinde with sudden determination)
Away, then, fly swiftly, and fly thou alone!
I stay in thy stead, draw on me Wotan's anger,
by me holding the wrathful one here,
whilst thou from his vengeance escap'st.

Say, whither shall I turn me?

Which of you, sisters,
journeyed to eastward?

A forest wild spreads far to the east:
the Nibelung's hoard
by Fafner thither was borne.

There as a dread dragon he dwelleth,
and in a cave there guardeth he Alberich's ring!

For a helpless woman no home were there.

And yet from Wotan's wrath
shelter safe were the wood:
our father feareth and shunneth the place.

(on the lookout)
Raging rides the god to the rock!

Six Valkyries
hear how he nears like a storm!

Fly then swiftly and turn to the east!
Bold in defiance endure ev ry ill,
hunger and thirst, thorns and rough ways;
laugh whether want or suffering wound!
For one thing know and hold it ever:
the world's most glorious hero bears,
o woman, thy sheltering womb!
(She takes the pieces of Sigmund's sword from
under her breastplate and gives them to Sieglinde.)

For him ward thou well the mighty splinters;
from his father's death-field
by good hap I saved them:
who once shall swing the sword new wrought,
his name from me let him take—
Siegfried in triumph shall live!

(deeply moved)
O radiant wonder! Glorious maid!
Thou bring'st me, true one, holiest balm!
For him whom we loved I save the beloved one:
may my thanks yet bring laughing reward!
Fare thou well! be blest in Sieglinde's woe!
(She hastens away on the right in front.)
(Black thunderclouds surround the height; a
fearful storm approaches from the back: a growing
fiery light on the right.)

Stay, Brünnhild'!

Ortlinde, Waltraute
(coming down from the lookout)
The rock is reached by horse and rider!
(Brünnhilde, after watching Sieglinde for a while,
turns toward the background, looks into the wood,
and comes forward again in fear.)

All eight Valkyries
Woe, Brünnhild'!
raging he comes!

Ah, sisters, help!
my heart is faint!
His wrath will crush me,
if ye no shelter can give.
(The Valkyries retreat up the rocky point in fear;
Brünnhilde lets herself be drawn with them.)

The Valkyries
Then hide, thou lost one!
Be thou not seen,
hide thee in our midst,
and heed not his call!
Be hid by us!
(They hide Brünnhilde among them and look
anxiously toward the wood, which is now lit up by
brilliant firelight, while the background has become
quite dark.)

Woe! Wotan swings him raging to earth!
Hither haste his steps for revenge.

Scene Two

(Wotan strides in terrible wrathful excitement from
the wood and approaches the group of Valkyries on
the height, looking angrily around for Brünnhilde.)

Where is Brünnhild',
where the rebellious one?
Would ye then dare to shield her from vengeance?

The eight Valkyries
Fearful thy fury soundeth!
O father, what did thy children,
that they have wakened thy terrible wrath?

Would ye then mock me?
Heed yourselves, rash ones!
I know, Brünnhilde hide ye from me.
Turn ye from her! cast off is she henceforth,
e'en as her worth from her she cast!

To us fled the pursued one,

Siegr., Ross., Grim., Schw.
For our help prayed she to us;

Thy rage awoke her fear and dismay:

Fear and trembling seize the pursued one!

Schwertleite, Grimgerde
Thy rage awakened
her fear and shrinking,
for our sister pray we to thee!

Father, hear our prayer!

Rossweisse, Waltraute
For our trembling sister
pray we to thee
that thy passion's rage may be calmed!

Ger., Helm., Ort.
Soften thine anger!

Calm now thy passion's rage!

For her, calm thy passion's rage!

Weak-hearted and womanish brood!
Such sorry valor won ye from me?
I fostered you bold to fare to the field,
hard and relentless your hearts I wrought,
and ye wild ones now weep and whine,
when my wrath on a traitor doth fall?
Then know, ye trembling ones,
what was her crime
for whom your tears now in pity are shed:
No one but she knew what lay hid in my bosom;
no one but she saw to the spring of my spirit!
In her deeds my desires were born to the day:
our holy bond she hath now so disdained
that, faithless, she my own will hath defied,
my sacred command openly scorned,
against me she lifted the spear
that by Wotan's will she bore!
Hear'st thou, Brünnhilde?
Thou on whom birny, helm and spear,
name and renown, life and delight I bestowed?

Hear'st thou my voice upraised,
and shrinking hid'st thee from me,
that thou may'st escape thy doom?
(Brünnhilde comes forward out of the band of the
Valkyries and moves with humble but firm steps
down the rock, to within a short distance from

Here am I, father:
pronounce now my sentence!

I sentence thee not:
thou thyself thy sentence hast shaped.
My will alone awoke thee to life:
yet against my will hast thou worked;
thine 'twas alone to fulfill my commands:
yet against me hast thou commanded;
wish-maid thou wert to me:
against me thy wish has been turned;
shield-maid thou wert to me:
against me thy shield was upraised;
lot-chooser thou wert to me:
against me the lot hast thou chosen;
hero-stirrer thou wert to me:
against me thou stirredst up heroes.
What once thou wert, Wotan hath spoken:
what now thou art, say thou to thyself!
Wish-maid art thou no more;
Valkyrie once wert thou called:
what now thou art, henceforth shalt thou be!

(violently terrified)
Thou dost cast me off?
What meaneth thy word?

No more shall I send thee from Walhall;
to war-field no more far'st thou on quest;
no more bring'st thou heroes to fill my halls:
at the godhead's festal banquet
the drink-horn for me thou fillest no more;
thy childlike mouth no more shall I kiss;
the heavenly host no more shall know thee;
outcast art thou from the clan of the gods:
for broken now is our bond,
henceforth from sight of my face art thou
(The Valkyries, in great excitement, come a little
further down the rocks.)

The Valkyries
Horror! Woe!
Sister, oh sister!

All thou once gavest
thou tak'st away?

He who wins robs thee of all!
For here on the rock bound shalt thou be;
defenceless in sleep liest thou locked:
the man shall master the maid
who shall find her and wake her from sleep.
(In the greatest emotion the Valkyries quite de-
scend from the rock and in anxious groups surround
Brünn hilde, who lies half kneeling before Wotan.)

Repent! repent!
O Father! shall the maiden pale and be withered by man?
Ah, deal not this shame!
Ah, deal not this crying disgrace!
deal not this shame,
ah, deal not, Father, this disgrace,
ah, deal not, deal not this shame,
for our sister's shame on us would fall;

O Father! repent!
Repent! hear now our prayer!
O bring not on her this crying disgrace!
God, in thy wrath,
deal not this shame, deal it not!
Ah, bring not, bring not disgrace on her,
on us her disgrace would fall;

O Father!
Shall the maiden pale and be withered by man?
Bring not on her this crying disgrace!
Give ear to us! Dread-Father, o bring not,
o bring not, ah, bring not on her
this crying disgrace,
deal not this shame!
For our sister's shame on us too would fall,
should the holiest maiden pale and be withered by man;

O Father!
Shall the maiden pale and be withered by man?
Shall the maiden pale and be withered?
Ah, deal not this disgrace!
Ah, bring thou not, Father,
ah, bring not, ah, bring not on her
this crying disgrace,
ah, deal not this shame!
Ah, deal not, deal not this shame!
On us her shame would fall;

Recall the curse!
Repent! hear now our prayer!
Bring not on her this crying disgrace!
God, in thy wrath,
bring not on her this crying disgrace!
For our sister's shame on us would fall;

Recall the curse! O Father!
Shall the maiden pale and be withered by man?
O deal thou not, God, in thy wrath,
deal not this shame, deal thou not,
ah, deal not this shame!
For our sister's shame falleth on us,
should the holiest maiden pale and be withered by man;

Recall the curse!
Shall the maiden pale and be withered by man?
Bring not on her this crying disgrace!
Dread-Father, bring not on her
this crying disgrace,
ah, deal not this shame!
For our sister's shame on us too would fall,
should the holiest maiden pale and be withered by man;

Recall the curse!
Shall the maiden pale and be withered by man?
Hard-hearted father!
deal not this shame!
Dread-Father, bring not, ah, bring not
this crying disgrace on her,
ah, deal not, deal not this shame!
Our sister's shame on us would fall;

All the Valkyries
For our sister's shame on us too
would fall!

Have ye not heard Wotan's decree?
From out your troop
must your traitorous sister be banished;
as once she rode
through the clouds with you rides she no longer;
her maidenhood's flower will fade away;
a husband will gain all her womanly grace:
the will of her master she now shall obey,
by the hearth at home shall she spin,
to all mockers a mark for scorn!
(Brünnhilde sinks with a cry on the ground; the
Valkyries, horror-struck, recoil violently from her.)

Frights you her lot?
Then fly from the lost one!
Wend ye from her and bide ye afar!
If one should venture near her to linger,
in my despite befriending her fate;
that rash one shareth her lot:
then heed ye right well my word!
Hence now away; hither return not!
Swiftly ride from the mountain,
lest ill-fate light on you here!
(The Valkyries separate with a wild cry and rush in
hasty flight to the wood.)

The Valkyries
Woe! Woe!
(Black clouds settle thickly on the cliffs: a rushing
sound is heard in the wood. A vivid flash of lightning
breaks from the clouds; in it the Valkyries, in a closely
packed group, are seen with their bridles loose, wildly
riding away.)

(The storm soon subsides; the thunderclouds grad-
ually disappear. During the following scene twilight
falls with returning fine weather, followed at the
close by the night.)

Scene Three

(Wotan and Brünnhilde, who lies at his feet,
remain alone. A long, solemn silence: positions

(She begins slowly to raise her head a little.)

(beginning timidly and becoming

Was my offense so laden with shame
that the offender so shamefully is scourged?
Was there such deep disgrace in my deed
that I so deeply must sink in disgrace?
Was then my crime so dark with dishonor,
that it robs me of honor for aye?
(She raises herself gradually to a kneeling
O say: Father! look in my eyes:
silence thy wrath, soften thy rage,
and shew to me clear the hidden guilt,
that in cruel anger doth force thee
to cast off the child of thy heart.

(in unchanged attitude, gravely and gloomily)
Ask of thy deed,
and that will shew thee thy guilt!

By thy command only I fought.

By my command
didst thou fight for the Wälsung?

So didst thou decree
as lord of the lots!

But my decree thou knew' st again I recalled!

As Fricka ensnared thy will to her
when thou wert forced to befriend her,
foe wert thou to thyself.

(softly and bitterly)
That thou understood'st me, weened I,
and chided thy insolent thought:
but coward and fool deemedst thou me!
So had I not treason to punish,
all too mean wert thou for my wrath.

No wisdom have I,
yet knew I this one thing,
that the Wälsung thou lovedst.
I knew all the strife, forcing thy will,
that drove that love from remembrance.
The other only couldst thou discern,
which, so sad to sight, prayed on thy heart
that Siegmund might not be shielded.

Then knewest thou that,
and nathless gave him thy shield?

(beginning softly)
As for thee I held but the one in my eyes,
when entrammeled wert thou by twofold desire,
blindly thy back on him turning!
She who in the field wards thy back from the foe,
she saw now only what thou saw'st not:
Siegmund I beheld.
Death-doom I brought to him there;
I looked in his eyes, heard his lament;
I discerned the hero's bitter distress;
loudly resounded the plaint of the bold one:
unbounded love's most hopeless despair,
saddest heart's most dauntless disdain!
My ears have heard,
my eyes have seen what, deep in my bosom,
with awe and trembling filled all my heart.
Dazed and shrinking stood I in shame.
How I might serve him must I bethink me:
(with animation)
triumph or death to share with Siegmund:
that seemed only the lot I could choose!
He who this love into my heart had breathed,
whose will had placed the Wälsung at my side,
true only to him, thy word did I defy.

So thou hast done
what so dearly I had desired,
yet by twofold fateto my will was denied!
So light deemedst thou winning of hearts' deepest rapture,
when burning woe in my heart outbroke,
when anguish awoke the grim intent,
for the world I loved so, the spring of love
in my tortured heart to imprison?
When 'gainst my own self in my torment I turned me,
from weakness' pangs I rose up in frenzy,
furious yearning's fiercest desire
the fearful design in me wrought,
in the wreck of my ruined world
my unending sorrow to bury:
then thou wert lapped in blissful delights;
filled with emotion's rapturous joy,
thou drankest laughing the draught of love;
with mine, gall of the god's bitterest bondage was mixed.

(dryly and shortly)
Now thy lightsome heart henceforth shall lead thee:
from me hast thou turned away.
Aye must I shun thee;
together no more may we e'er whisper counsel;
henceforth our paths are parted forever,
for while life shall endure,
may the god ne'er give thee his greeting!

Unfit was for thee this foolish maid,
who, stunned by thy counsel, nought understood,
when but one command her own counsel made clear:
to love all that thou hadst loved.
Must I then leave thee and, fearing, shun thee,
must thou loosen our fast-woven bond,
and half thy being far from thee banish,
who once belonged to thee only,
thou god, forget not that!
Thy other self thou wilt not dishonor,
deal not disgrace that will shame thee too!
Thy own fame would be darkened,
were I the plaything of scorn!

The might of love thou hast followed fain:
follow now him who shall force thy love.

Must I then go from Walhall,
no more to have part in thy working,
a man as my master henceforth must I serve:
to boastful craven make me not thrall,
not all unworthy be he who wins!

From Warfather turnedst thou;
he may not fashion thy fate.

(softly and confidentially)
From thee rose a glorious race;
that race ne'er shall bring forth a craven:
the bravest of heroes, I know it,
shall bless the Wälsungs' line.

Name not the Wälsungs to me!
When thee I cast off, cast off were they;
by envy wrecked was the race!

She who turned from thee rescued the race.
Sieglinde bears the holiest fruit;
(with animation)
in pain and grief
such as woman ne'er suffered
will she bring forth what in fear she hides!

Ne'er seek at my hand shelter for her,
or for fruit her womb shall bear.

She guardeth the sword
that thou gavest Siegmund.

The sword that I in splinters struck!
Seek not, o maid, to vanquish my spirit,
await now thy fate, as it must fall;
I cannot change it for thee.
But hence must I now, far from thee fare;
too long I stay with thee here:
as from me turnedst thou, turn I from thee;
what wish is thine I may not e'en know:
the sentence now must I see fulfilled!

What hast thou decreed
that I shall suffer?

In slumber fast shalt thou be locked:
who so the helpless one finds;
and wakes, shall win thee for wife!

(falls on her knees)
If fetters of sleep fast shall bind me,
for basest craven an easy booty;
this one thing must thou grant me,
in deepest anguish I pray:
o shelter me sleeping
with scaring horrors,
that but the first, most fearless of heroes
e'er may find me here on the fell!

Too much thou cravest,
too great a grace!

(embracing his knees)
This one thing must thou grant me!
O crush thou thy child who clasps thy knee;
tread down thy dear one, destroy the maid,
let thy spear put out the light of her life:
but cast not, in thy wrath,
on her this most hateful shame!
(with wild ecstasy)
By thy command enkindle a fire;
with flaming guardians girdle the fell;
to lick with tongue, to bite with tooth the craven,
who rashly dareth
to draw near the threatening rock!
(Wotan, overcome and deeply moved, turns
eagerly toward Brünnhilde, raises her from her knees
and gazes with emotion into her eyes.)

Farewell, thou valiant, glorious child!
Thou once the holiest pride of my heart!
Farewell! farewell! farewell!
(very passionately) Must I forsake thee,
and may my welcome
of love no more greet thee;
may'st thou now ne'er more ride as my comrade,
nor bear me mead at banquet;
must I abandon thee, whom I loved so,
thou laughing delight of my eyes?
Such a bridal fire for thee shall be kindled
as ne'er yet has burned for a bride!
Threatening flames shall flare round the fell:
let withering terrors daunt the craven!
let cowards fly from Brünnhilde's rock!
For one alone winneth the bride;
one freer than I, the god!

(Brünnhilde, deeply moved, sinks in ecstasy on
Wotan's breast: he holds her in a long embrace.)

(She throws her head back again and, still
embracing Wotan, gazes with deep enthusiasm in his eyes.)

Thy brightly glittering eyes,
that, smiling, oft I caressed,
when valor won a kiss as guerdon,
when childish lispings of heroes' praise
from sweetest lips has flowed forth:
those gleaming radiant eyes
that oft in storms on me shone,
when hopeless yearning my heart had wasted,
when world's delights all my wishes wakened,
thro' wild wildering sadness:

once more today, lured by their light,
my lips shall give them love's farewell!
On mortal more blessed once may they beam:
on me, hapless immortal,
must they close now forever.
(He clasps her head in his hands.)
For so turns the god now from thee,
so kisses thy godhood away!
(He kisses her long on the eyes. She sinks back with
closed eyes, unconscious, in his arms. He gently bears
her to a low mossy mound, which is overshadowed
by a wide-spreading fir tree, and lays her upon it.)

(He looks upon her and closes her helmet: his eyes
then rest on the form of the sleeper, which he now
completely covers with the great steel shield of the
Valkyrie. He turns slowly away, then again turns
around with a sorrowful look.)

(He strides with solemn decision to the middle of
the stage and directs the point of his spear toward a
large rock.)

Loge, hear! List to my word!
As I found thee of old, a glimmering flame,
as from me thou didst vanish,
in wandering fire;
as once I stayed thee, stir I thee now!
Appear! come, waving fire,
and wind thee in flames round the fell!

(During the following he strikes the rock thrice
with his spear.)

Loge! Loge! appear!
(A flash of flame issues from the rock, which swells
to an ever-brightening fiery glow.)

(Flickering flames break forth.)

(Bright shooting flames surround Wotan. With his
spear he directs the sea of fire to encircle the rocks; it
presently spreads toward the background, where it
encloses the mountain in flames.)

He who my spearpoint's sharpness feareth
shall cross not the flaming fire!

(He stretches out the spear as a spell. He gazes
sorrowfully back on Brünnhilde. Slowly he turns to
depart. He turns his head again and looks back. He
diasappears through the fire.)

(The curtain falls.)

libretto by Frederick Jameson 
Contents: Characters; Act One; Act Two; Act Three; Glossary


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